²úÆ·ÏêÇé/Product details


Thermoplastic Chopped Strand

Thermoplastic Chopped Strand

We can manufacture thermoplastic chopped strands of various specifications and provide the scheme for reinforcing commonly used engineering plastics.

Product Detail

Product CodeFilament Diameter(¦Ìm)Resin CompatibilityProduct Features & Application
301CL7PAHigh performance special product(PA6,PA66), specially for low warp and high gloss
10PAStandard Product(PA6,PA66)
301HP7PASuitable for low warp¡¢high temperature resistance, Resistance to freezing liquid .Suitable for PA6,PA66,PA12,PA612,PA6T,9T and HTN. Super glycol and super high temperature resistance
10PAECT glass,Suitable for PA6,PA66,PA12,PA612,PA6T,9T and HTN. Super glycol and super high temperature resistance
11PATM+ glass,Suitable for PA6,PA66,PA12,PA612,PA6T,9T and HTN. Super glycol and super high temperature resistance
13PAHL glass,Suitable for PA6,PA66,PA12,PA612,PA6T,9T and HTN. Super glycol and super high temperature resistance
3014B10PAUsed for low viscosity PA6 and PA66£¬Can be used in the elastomer modified PA6 and PA66,NPE free
301X110PAexcellent Resistance to freezing liquid for PA6,PA66
301T15.7PA1£º3 flat ratio£¬highly filled and specially for low warp
301HF15.7PA1£º4 flat ratio£¬high flow £¬highly filled and specially for low warp. Prevent warping effect is best
303A7PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABSlow warp£¬Special Product for best bright finish£¬High mechanical properties , high HDT
13PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABSStandard Product£¬High mechanical properties
303H10PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABSStandard Product£¬High mechanical properties
3031H10PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABSStandard Product£¬High mechanical properties£¬excellent white color, NPE free
303N13PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABSECT glass/HL glass,High mechanical properties, excellent color£¬low fuzz£¬high flow
303W10PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABSexcellent color£¬ NPE free
303T15.7PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABS1£º3 flat ratio£¬high flow £¬highly filled and specially for low warp
303HK13PET,PBT,PC£¬PC/ABSexcellent hot water resistance
304A13AS,ABSStandard Product£¬NPE free
305K13PE,PPStandard Product. super detergent resistance and excellent white color
10PE,PPStandard Product. super detergent resistance and excellent white color
305B13PE,PPHigh mechanical properties, excellent white color, NPE free
30613MPPO (PPE)Standard Product£¬NPE free
306HR10MPPO (PPE)Special product for PPO/PA blend
13MPPO (PPE)High mechanical properties and excellent hot water resistance
30713PCStandard Product, high mechanical properties, glass fiber content more than 15%
307NB13PCHigh impact strength, glass content less than15%
307AT15.7PC1£º4 flat ratio£¬high flow £¬specially for low warp
309A7,10PPSStandard Product, excellent hot water resistance and extremely low out gassing£¬NPE free
309C10PPShigh mechanical properties£¬excellent hot water resistance£¬Apply to non-crystalline PPA£¬NPE free
3098C10LCPhigh mechanical properties£¬high HDT£¬heat-resisting, extremely low out gassing
3098HF15.7LCP1£º4 flat ratio£¬high flow £¬specially for low warp

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